Our Partners

Rewilding Oder Delta

Rewilding Oder Delta e.V. was founded in 2019 as an independent association based in Stolpe an der Peene (Germany). The association emerged from a long-standing cooperation between the organisations Environmental Action Germany, HOP Transnational Netzwork Odra, NABU Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, as well as the Polish association of Friends of the Ina and the Gowienica Rivers (TPRIiG) and the Stepnica Tourism Organisation (SOT). Since 2013, nature and tourism enthusiasts have been working together successfully, particularly in the east of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. Since its foundation in 2019 the association has initiated numerous projects. We link our nature conservation projects with ecologically oriented economic interests. In doing so, we promote the distribution of regional products, nature-friendly tourism, as well as natural and ecological agriculture and forestry.

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Baltic Environmental Forum Lithuania

Baltic Environmental Forum Lithuania is a non-profit public organization that strive for a clean and healthy environment, natural resources being properly used, rich natural diversity guaranteed for the future generations, and employees feeling happy working. We believe that nature should be protected not from people, but with people.
Today, our main areas of activity are biodiversity protection, agri-environment, rural development, natural tourism, sustainable development, management of hazardous chemicals, and corporate social responsibility

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Deutsche Umwelthilfe

Environmental Action Germany (DUH) is an independent environmental, nature and consumer protection organization that campaigns i.a. for the protection of natural resources, biodiversity and climate. DUH has been involved in marine nature conservation since the 1990s. It is one of the most influential German environmental organizations in the area of fisheries. Already from 2012 to 2014, DUH organized a series of dialogues with local fishers and authorities in the North and Baltic Sea areas.

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The Fisheries Secretariat

The Fisheries Secretariat (FishSec) is a politically independent non-profit organisation. We are dedicated to the protection and restoration of marine ecosystem services, with a focus on fisheries. Our goals are: 1. Well managed seas with rich biodiversity. 2. Thriving fish stocks to secure healthy and local seafood to consumers. 3. A sustainable fishing sector. We advocate for fisheries within the limits of the marine ecosystem, preserving marine resources as well as their habitats. We are mainly active in the Baltic Sea area and the EU, but also internationally.

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BirdLife Poland

The Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP), founded in 1991, is a public benefit non-governmental organisation. We work to protect wild birds and areas where they live. Our actions include monitoring, active conservation, shaping policies that have impact on the environment, and education. Our goal is to preserve the natural heritage for the good of the current and future generations. We are one of the largest nature protection organisations in Poland and the Polish partner - BirdLife International. We focus on priority species, habitats and sites.

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Hel Marine Station University of Gdańsk

Hel Marine Station (HMS) is a field of Faculty of Oceanography and Geography at the University of Gdańsk in Poland. Established in 1977 as a Marine Research Labolatory. Its primary focus as an academic unit is research and education in the area of marine biology and conservation of the living resources of the Baltic Sea. The key themes pursued by HMS in its research and educational activities are: biology and ecology of marine mammals in the Baltic Sea; biology and ecology of fish in the Baltic coastal zone; occurence of protected, rare and alien species of the Baltic fauna; monitoring f protected species and their habitats.

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