Baltic Coast Dialog

Establishing a network of international stakeholders to effectively protect and restore the coastal and marine ecosystems of the Baltic Sea

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Our Events

Workshop Blue restoration

19 & 20 September 2024

Wolgast, Germany

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Workshop Fisheries regulations in MPAs

November 2024

Berlin, Germany

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About Us

We are passionate marine environmentalists from Germany, Lithuania, Sweden and Poland supporting an effective protection and restoration of our Baltic Sea ecosystems.

Importance of Baltic Sea protection

Baltic Coast Dialog promotes an effective protection and restoration of our marine and coastal ecosystems for a healthy and vital Baltic Sea

Baltic Coast Dialog is an international network that brings together actors from environmental organisations, fisheries, agriculture, tourism, science and authorities. We advocate the implementation of effective protection and restoration measures as well as sustainable fisheries management in the marine and coastal ecosystems of the Baltic Sea. The network offers an interactive dialog series with thematic specialisations on jointly selected topics relevant to a healthy Baltic Sea. In workshops network members can openly and constructively discuss relevant issues of marine conservation and fisheries management. The network aims to reduce language barriers while strengthening the flow of information and experience between stakeholders. We intend to develop synergies and joint perspectives that combine both conflicts of marine and coastal uses as well as requirements of biodiversity conservation. As a result, formal proceedings for both transnational and national measures in the marine and coastal waters of the Baltic Sea may be accelerated. Join us and add your statement about Baltic Coast Dialog today.

State of the Baltic Sea

The Baltic Sea is currently in a poor environmental condition due to severe anthropogenic overexploitation. Overfishing, pollution, eutrophication and the climate crisis threaten the marine ecosystems and their biodiversity. Despite formal protection status, hardly any effective conservation measures are in place to date. The maritime spatial planning of the Baltic Sea Member States follows a concept of overuse characterised by conflicts of use, thus preventing the achievement of a good environmental status of the Baltic Sea and its transboundary marine and coastal waters.

Our Partners & Sponsors
